Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ytzhak Rabin

Yzhak Rabin nacio en jerusalem en 1922; Estudio en el Colegio de Agricultura Kadoorie donde el se graduo con honores. Se convirtio en politico y general Israeli. Su carrera militar comenzo en 1940 cuando se unio al "Palmah" una unidad de elite de la Haganah. Uno de los desafios mas formidables fue la incursion de Entebbe en 1976, donde el autorizo la operacion de los comandos israelies en el recate de mas de 100 judios rehenes. En Julio 1992, Rabin entro a formar parte en el gobierno numero 25 de Israel , se convirtio en Primer Ministro, Ministro de Defenza, Ministro de Asuntos Religiosos, y Ministro del Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales.Rabin fue uno de los principales personages en el Acuerdo de Oslo de 1993. Como politico ha sido considerado rigido, pero deseoso de comprometerse. Su principal atencion en la seguridad, mas que en la economia de Israel.Rabin junto con Peres y el lider de la PLO Yasser Arafat, recibieron el Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1994. En 1994, firmo un tratado de paz con Jordania, y un acuerdo en 1995 con la PLO para expandir la autonomia palestina. Fue asesinado el 4 de Noviembre de 1995 por un estudiante de leyes, perteneciente a grupos de la extrema derecha.

Yitzhak Rabin was born in Jerusalem in 1922; he studied at the Kadoorie Agricultural College where he graduated with distinction
and became an Israeli politician and general.His military career began in 1940 when he joined the "Palmach", the elite unit of the Haganah
One of his most formidable challenges was the 1976 Entebbe raid, in which he authorized the operation of Israeli commandos in the rescue of more than 100 Jews held hostage there.
In July 1992, Rabin formed Israel's 25th government and became its 11th Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, and acting Minister of Religious Affairs and Labour and Social Affairs.
Rabin was one of the main actors with the Oslo agreement of 1993. Rabin as a politician has been considered hard, but willing to compromise. His focus has been on security, more than economy of Israel.
Rabin, along with Peres and PLO leader Yassir Arafat, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994. In 1994, Rabin signed a peace treaty with Jordan, and a 1995 agreement with the PLO expanded Palestinian self-rule. He was assassinated Nov. 4, 1995, by an Israeli law student with links to right-wing extremist groups.

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